This is our informal way for learners to share their passion for technology.Its a terrific forum for new learners who are intimidated by computing classes and about all the things you can do with a computer, from programming, web and app development to basic troubleshooting.
Cycling during club sessions help learners develop their leg muscles and strengthen their bones. The continued exercise will help build their stamina and improve their cardiovascular development. It will also increase their coordination and balance. This regular workout offers them proper preparation for any external and internal events.
The club allows for free expression from students they can feel open to experimenting and creating from their imaginations. Through many mediums color, wood, plastacil, sand, etc they venture in creative art and craft activites that are showcased on our school boards and publications
Our music club is a great way to get learners interested in music and to provide them with an opportunity to learn about it. We teach how to read music, and how to play instruments, and they give them the chance to perform for their peers.It provides an opportunity for learners to interact with each other, teaching them about different cultures as they learn different types of music.
This is the best platform for learners passionate about science to realize their skills, knowledge, experiment and fulfill their quest in doing science activities for which they do not get within their curriculum framework.
Red Cross Youth strives to instil the Red Cross Youth spirit and strengthen core values such as compassion, passion and professionalism in all members. Our members are groomed on practicing first aid, home nursing and accident prevention.
Media Club engages students who exhibit interest and talent in photography, filming, music and dance. Students are given the opportunity to develop their skills through training programs such as video editing, short film projects, photography courses, exhibitions, field trips and competitions.
The club aims at improving important abilities like sportsmanship, respect, fairness, patience, leadership, confidence, and a healthy self-perception.Our activities include simultaneous exhibitions, lectures, and even formal classes taught by chess coaches.
Our club activities improves on members understanding of simple and compex words. This allows learners to become literate and enjoy reading an extensive range of material.The valuable learning outcome of spelling bee results in the children gaining competency over vocabulary and this allows them to excel at reading and writing.
Club activities centre but are not limited to word challenges, searches, spelling bees and quizzes.
Club activities centre but are not limited to word challenges, searches, spelling bees and quizzes.
The Purpose of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers. Yes, they go camping, hiking, swimming, knot tying, and much more.
Students are instructed on the discpline earning skills for self-defense. The club sessions not only condition the mind and body to have strength and stamina and also helps the body fight disease, stay flexible, strong and active as learners get older. Martial arts provides stress relief and ways to release pent up energy.
Skating as club activity helps kids burn off extra energy, build strong muscles, and maintain a healthy weight. Its also a great way to alleviate back-to-school stress, and it provides a welcome distraction from everyday worries.
Club activities centre around using math games, geometric & algeraic activities, and mock competitions. Students cooperatively work to complete Logic and Math Puzzles.The club provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor.
The club allows learners opportunities to explore, discuss and deal with difficult issues and express their emotions in a supportive environment. It enables them to explore their own cultural values and those of others, past and present. It encourages them to think and act creatively, thus developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied in all areas of learning.
Home Science club aims at equipping learners with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values which will help promote healthy living in terms of preparing and eating healthy foods, prevention of illnesses, ensuring comfort and safety in the home, observing personal hygiene and wise buying.
Giving children an outlet to jump, dance, shake, and swing their hips, it's the perfect recipe for fitness fun. Zumba for Kids also adds age-appropriate games and activities, helping children gain coordination, self-confidence, overcome fears, learn about teamwork, and much more.
Learning a second language early in life enhances overall cognitive skills and improves brain development. Studies have shown repeatedly that foreign language learning increases critical thinking skills, creativity, problem-solving skills and flexibility of mind in young children.
From clubs hosted in particular sections to their respective timings get it all here in our 2022 Cocurricular Pull Out